The Green Together Collaborative Is Cooling Pacoima, One Tree At A Time
The LA Conservation Corps is planting over 1,000 trees in Pacoima and Sun Valley. The trees are intended to provide much needed shade to nearby commercial and residential properties, expanding the tree canopy and improving the local air quality in Pacoima

Los Angeles, CA, – Green Together Collaborative members Pacoima Beautiful (PB), the leading San Fernando Valley environmental justice organization, and the LA Conservation Corps (LACC), one of the nation’s largest urban conservation corps, plan to combat extreme heat by expanding the tree canopy to cool down the San Fernando Valley and they are starting in Pacoima.
The LA Conservation Corps is an environmentally focused youth development non-profit organization offering opportunities for youth to obtain job skills training, education and work experience on conservation projects benefiting local communities. LACC strives to build resilience in youth and young adults of Los Angeles and in the neighborhoods they call home.
When residents agree to adopt a tree, LACC will take care of planting the tree and maintain the newly adopted tree for up to 3 years. Pacoima residents who adopt a tree, will contribute to the long-term efforts of cooling down the extreme summer heat experienced in the region. Planting the right tree in the right place is a necessary step towards expanding the green canopy in the northeast side of the San Fernando Valley.
The Street Tree Planting Project is one of many projects that Green Together Collaborative (GTC) is implementing in the area. Dora Frietze-Armenta, lead project planner at Pacoima Beautiful, the convening organization and a collaborative GTC member, says, “This is an amazing resource for community members that live in the project area. Having trees along your street promotes walking, it can help reduce car speeds, and leads to cleaner air. The best part is that LACC will maintain the tree in the first few years of its life until it's fully rooted.” PB looks forward to furthering the work alongside our community and Green Together Collaborative partners.
As communities in the region find ways to stay cool during the extreme heat weather months, it is necessary that communities like Pacoima that are heavily impacted by extreme summer heat, are exploring ways to expand the green canopy to absorb some of the heat during the summer months when temperatures can reach the triple digits. "We find ourselves in a unique time when our community is finally getting the right resources to make a huge impact. We encourage residents and homeowners to act now, accept the gift of a tree and reap the benefits for decades to come”, states LA Conservation Corps Program Director Karla Ramos.
As a member of the Green Together Collaborative, PB looks forward to creating a healthy and sustainable future for the Northeast San Fernando Valley. Together, we will improve urban greening and climate resiliency, one tree at a time.
To follow the progress of the program or would like to find out more information about the Street Tree Planting Project, go to
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About Pacoima Beautiful
Pacoima Beautiful is a grassroots environmental justice organization that provides education, impacts local policy, and supports local arts and culture in order to promote a healthy and sustainable San Fernando Valley.
Associated Programs: Green Together Collaborative and Street Tree Planting