

mono lake

DWP abandons LA’s commitment to Mono Lake

Back in the spring, Los Angeles leadership responded positively to a call from a large coalition led by the Mono Lake Committee.

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LA City Council Trio Takes Aim at Lung Disease Impacting Countertop Workers

“Silicosis disproportionately affects low-income, immigrant workers in industries such as construction and manufacturing,” Rodriguez said in a statement.

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News and Press

After plane crashes and close calls, pressure mounts to close this L.A. airport

The day the plane fell from the sky, Eva Avalos was sipping coffee under her mulberry tree.

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Activists call for closure of Whiteman Airport

LOS ANGELES — Community members in Pacoima are calling for the closure of Whiteman Airport.

They say it’s dangerous for people who live in the area because of recent crashes.

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Community calls for the shutdown of Whiteman Airport

Pacoima Beautiful calls for the shutdown of Whiteman Airport, Public Safety concerns residents are raising should be taken seriously and prioritized

Pacoima, CA – First off, we extend our sincere condolences to the relatives of the pilots who passed due to the plane crash that occurred in Sylmar off the 210 freeway in the afternoon, Wednesday, April 20, 2022. Any loss of life is tragic.

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Pacoima locals call for Whiteman Airport's closure after fatal plane crash

After yet another airplane crash stemming from Whiteman Airport in Pacoima, said to be the 78th to date, residents are voicing their concerns yet again - calling for its closure.

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Pacoima Wash Getting Long-Awaited Improvements

Residents of Pacoima and San Fernando know the wash there is a big impediment to commuting and can also be deadly. But on Monday they got a big boost.

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Anuncian $5 millones para nueva construcción de puente peatonal sobre el Pacoima Wash

Familias en el Valle de San Fernando viven un calvario por el desagüe que divide a dos vecindarios. Pues a diario tienen que enfrentarse a la inseguridad para cruzar el encauzamiento.

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Tony Cárdenas and Veronica Padilla-Campos at April 18th 2022 event

$5 million secured for improvements to Pacoima Wash, including new pedestrian/bike bridge

Rep. Tony Cárdenas announced more than $5 million in funding for improvements to the Pacoima Wash on Monday, April 18, including funds headed to the office of City Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez to build a new pedestrian/bicycle bridge and path along Telfair Avenue.

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Getty Joins Community Partners to Hold Free Summer Art Festivals Across Los Angeles

The J. Paul Getty Trust is partnering with community groups across Los Angeles County to launch a ten-part series of free, outdoor community art festivals this summer in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Getty Center.

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Community calls for the shutdown of Whiteman Airport

Pacoima Beautiful calls to shutdown Whiteman Airport after latest crash in the community.

Los Angeles – The latest airplane crash underscores the ongoing danger that Whiteman Airport poses to the Pacoima community.

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Bradley Plaza - Green Alley

Rising Voices: Pacoima Beautiful, Water and Heat in the San Fernando Valley

Rising Voices is a new monthly-ish column from the Water Hub at Climate Nexus. Each month, we’re  listening to what California’s leading advocates and organizers have to say about water issues impacting communities around the state.

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El Destino del Aeropuerto Whiteman de Pacoima esta Bajo Discusión

Desde que un avión monomotor de la Patrulla Aérea Civil se estrelló a lo largo de la cuadra 10600 de Sutter Avenue mientras intentaba aterrizar en el cercano aeropuerto Whiteman el 12 de noviembre de 2020, matando al piloto, quemando dos vehículos estacionados en la calle y dañando las entradas a

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Fate of Pacoima’s Whiteman Airport Under Discussion

Ever since a Civil Air Patrol single-engine plane crashed along the 10600 block of Sutter Avenue while trying to land at nearby Whiteman Airport on Nov.

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Green Together Collaborative: Take Action

Green Together Collaborative launching projects in Pacoima

LOS ANGELES, CA – For the Green Together Collaborative in the Northeast San Fernando Valley, the month of May sets the stage for the collaborative to introduce six notable projects breaking ground within the Pacoima- Sun Valley area.

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'She Coughs When She's Sleeping': Life In Polluted Pacoima

When Amanda Rivera was diagnosed with asthma as a child, everyone told her she’d grow out of it. Instead, Rivera feels like she grew into it.

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Profiling Pacoima's Climate Activists

The climate activists with the group "Pacoima Beautiful" are trying to make change happen for the better to improve air quality for the residents of the San Fernando Valley. 

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Cal State Northridge students revitalizing abandoned community garden in Pacoima

A group of students from Cal State Northridge working toward getting green thumbs are revitalizing a community garden in Pacoima abandoned last year when coronavirus restrictions shut down operations.

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Contaminación ambiental y accidentes aéreos, dos problemas que aquejan a los residentes de Pacoima

Un gran porcentaje de los habitantes de ese vecindario de Los Ángeles son latinos. Sin embargo, muchos de ellos aseguran sentirse abandonados y desprotegidos, especialmente aquellos que viven cerca del Aeropuerto Whiteman.

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Valley Gas Plant Stacks

Update on Valley Generating Station Campaign

News that the Valley Generating Station has been leaking gas for at least two years has created a strong reaction in our community. Pacoima Beautiful was motivated to educate, organize, and advocate for the closure of gas operations at Valley Generating Station (VGS).

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Vaccines Are Not Reaching Hardest Hit Los Angeles Communities

Veronica Sance was irate. For days, she’d been monitoring the sidewalk in front of a prime South Los Angeles COVID-19 vaccination site, Kedren Community Health Center. And she did not like what she was seeing.

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Pacoima residents, community call for action against Whiteman Airport

Eva Avalos-Benitez ran and fell away from the flames that threatened her home as she and her grandson escaped through the back with the help of their neighbors, her hair and sweater covered with debris.

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Protestors outside the Valley Gas Plant

LA Council Moves to Shut Down Valley Gas Generating Facility

The shutting down of the Valley Generating Station owned and operated by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) in Sun Valley took a big step forward after the LA City Council approved Council President Nury Martinez’s motion calling for said action, and to determine a timeline for

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Pacoima Neighbors Call For Whiteman Airport To Be Closed After Fatal Plane Crash

LOS ANGELES — More than a week after a plane crashed into their neighborhood, residents in Pacoima say Whiteman Airport is a safety threat and want it to be shut down.

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Community calls for the shutdown of Whiteman Airport

Time to close Whiteman Airport

Los Angeles – Pacoima Beautiful, the leading San Fernando Valley environmental justice organization, calls upon the County of Los Angeles to close and support the redevelopment of the Whiteman Airport in the wake of another small plane crash last week.

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Whiteman Airport Accident on November 12, 2020

Pacoima Beautiful would like to extend our sincere condolences to the family and friends of the pilot impacted by his or her tragic passing, we are truly sorry for your loss. And we wish you healing and peace during this difficult time.

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