Northeast Valley Pulse: May 2020
Current Events

From Coast to Coast and Abroad Thousands of People Demand Justice for the Murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis EX-Police Officer
Minneapolis–Minnesota, the center of demonstrations that have drawn out thousands of people outraged over the cruel and tragic murder of George Floyd by Derek Chauvin, Minneapolis Ex-Police Officer. Pacoima Beautiful stands in solidary with the Black community demanding justice for persistent tragedies that are a direct result of a legacy of institutional oppression and systemic racist practices. We do not view the event unfolding in Minneapolis as a singular case of bad characters. The murder of Black people has been a symptom of the systemic racism and white supremacy that rules our country.
Today, the killing of Black people in America by police is taking place against the backdrop of the pandemic that is disproportionately claiming Black lives at an alarming rate. That is not a coincidence. These events underscore the urgent need for Solidarity and anti-racist action. White and non-Black communities of color must speak up against and challenge the anti-Black sentiment that is propagating hate and bigotry within our institutions which constantly stifle the advancement of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion across America. Silence is complicity.
After 9 days of protest across the country and abroad, the four officers involved have been detained and charged with the murder of George Floyd. Derek Chauvin, the Ex-Police officer, who had his knee on George Floyd’s neck for over 8 minutes, has been charged with second-degree murder. George Floyd is survived by his 6-year-old daughter, Gianna Floyd, and immediate family.
This tragic loss of life reminds non-black people of color and white people, that it is not enough that we are quietly anti-racist. We must answer the calling to lean into discomfort, step up, and actively eradicating the anti-black sentiment found in our communities and institutions. This must be done if we are all to be free of institutional oppression.
Let's continue to have this difficult and necessary dialogue with our family and in our community.

We Thank You for Your Generosity
We want to take a moment to acknowledge those kind individuals who unselfishly provide much needed funding to continue our work. A shout out to the Azur family for their support this month along with our friends at Wells Fargo and Liberty Hill whose support keeps our doors open. We appreciate our partnership throughout the years.
During these weeks of COVID-19 challenges, we want to thank One Family Los Angeles for taking the lead to provide financial support to many LAUSD families. We are honored to have been invited to actively support the effort in the communities we serve.
Youth Organizing

Task Force Decision Says No to Increased Flight Traffic Over the Northeast San Fernando Valley
The Southern San Fernando Valley Noise Task Force voted on Thursday, May 6th to disapprove the recommendation that would increase air traffic over the Northeast San Fernando Valley communities. Representatives of the Northeast San Fernando Valley who sit on the Task Force include Los Angeles City Council President Nury Martinez and US Congressmember Tony Cardenas who strongly opposed transferring the burden of aircraft noise and pollution over communities already heavily burdened by it. Additional support against this decision was provided by the Office of Assemblymember Luz Rivas, Los Angeles City Councilmember Monica Rodriguez, and the San Fernando City Council.
The Task Force considered the lack of public review and inadequate engagement provided to residents of the Northeast San Fernando Valley during the Task Force meeting process. The Task Force also reviewed the existing social inequity and environmental degradation in the Northeast San Fernando Valley to make their decision. The Task Force recommendations will be submitted to the Federal Aviation Administration, Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority, and Los Angeles World Airports for immediate review and response.
The Task Force voted against increasing air traffic North of the Hollywood/Burbank Airport and Van Nuys Airport. Additionally, a Citizen’s Advisory Committee will be formed and will include members of the Northeast San Fernando Valley.
We’re going digital! Enrollment for Agua University 2020 now open- the free summer program offered through Pacoima Beautiful June 22, July 17, 2020. Open to youth 12-18 years old.
Community Organizing

The First Electric Vehicle Ride Share Program Arrives In Pacoima
Pacoima Beautiful is excited to announce that in partnership with Envoy Technologies Inc, we're launching the first electric car share program in Pacoima. Envoy will deploy 2 Light Duty Electric Vehicles (EVs) for community sharing. The EVs will be accessible through the Envoy app and will be available at an assigned location. Vehicles will be available to participants at a per hour or per day rate. The first phase of the pilot will last 12 months, with the potential to extend beyond this initial period.
We're asking you to help us create a beneficial program by filling out a short survey. Pacoima Beautiful & Envoy are currently working to evaluate how many community members would be interested in using the upcoming shared EV program. If you are interested in participating, please complete the following survey.

Pacoima Wash Design to Begin
Pacoima Beautiful and Kounkuey Design Initiative recently received Prop 68 funding to begin phase 1 of the design of the Pacoima Wash Vision Plan. Phase 1 will focus on the section of the Pacoima Wash from Haddon Ave to San Fernando Road. Part of the Vision Plan is to look into the potential of adding green/open space in two parcels of land along this section. However, we must look into the access and acquisition of these parcels to pursue these endeavors. The Vision Plan does call for the creation of a bike/pedestrian path that connects the Pacoima Wash with Richie Valens Park and the bike path along San Fernando Road.
An important aspect of the Pacoima Wash design will be continued input from local community members who live nearby and/or interact with the Pacoima Wash regularly. The Pacoima Wash Vision Plan was created in 2011 and although very much pertinent, we will reengage with community members to ensure the Plan meets their needs and make sure that they have input on the design process.

COVID-19 Has Major Impact of City Budget
The City of Los Angeles has done a commendable job addressing the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic and taken an all hands on deck approach to saving lives. Unfortunately, the number of emergency resources utilized will impact other policies and programs created that have a positive impact on our communities.
For example, the Mayor’s recent projected budget does not fund the newly established Climate Emergency Mobilization Department (CEMD). For more than a year environmental justice organizations from around the City, including Pacoima Beautiful, organized to establish CEMD in order to have a City department that could oversee the implementation of the climate goals identified through the Green New Deal LA. CEMD would hold City departments accountable to these climate goals and ensure robust community engagement with every frontline community in the City. Unfortunately, CEMD is one of the many proposed casualties of the 2020-2021 fiscal budget for the City of Los Angeles.
Pacoima Beautiful will continue to organize and advocate to make sure that any sacrifices that need to be made during our City’s recovery from COVID are not concentrated in policies and programs that benefit frontline communities like Pacoima.
Other Announcements

Pacoima Beautiful's Executive Director, Veronica Padilla Joins Assemblywoman Luz Rivas and Secretary of State Alex Padilla to talk about the Census
Tune in Friday, June 5th, 3 PM - 4 PM to catch the virtual meeting and learn all about the Census and why it's important to our communities.
Its happening on Assemblywoman Luz Rivas' Facebook live